The concept of settlement loans has been introduced to offer a source of financial support to individuals who have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, and are faced with financial hardship while awaiting the settlement of their lawsuit. offers non-recourse pre settlement funding to such personal injury victims who have urgent financial responsibilities to carry out.  What gives rise to these financial needs?? There can be several reasons. Victims that are faced with a personal injury are often compelled to discontinue work or are no longer physically able to work. The medical expenses, legal expenses, cost of food, shelter, transportation, and other necessities are burdening enough to drive an individual to lose hold of their personal life. Settlement loanshelp such individuals with temporary financing to aid them in paying their debts, so that they can once again start living without worry.

Get freedom from your economic worries and regain your life with assistance from… provides such financial assistance in the form of a lawsuit advance. The settlement loans give plaintiffs and their attorney sufficient time to negotiate a fair and just settlement. Lawsuit funding services at are available soon after reviewing your lawsuit documents and medical records. Although settlement loans can be repaid at any point prior to settlement, the amount received is not required to be repaid, until after your case has finally settled.  Since it is a non-recourse type of funding, you do not repay anything if you loose. So, in actuality, it is not a loan and you never have to worry about repaying the advance, if you lose your case! The terms of repayment are well defined, thus eliminating surprises and making the settlement loans process simple and efficient for you. assures personal injury victims that pre settlement loans are the best way for plaintiffs to obtain relief from the financial burdens that result from any lengthy personal injury lawsuit.

Apply for Funding

To apply for lawsuit funding, please complete the form below and we will process your request immediately.

Applicant Name *

Phone #1 *
- -
Email address *

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *

Postal Address *


State *
Type of Case *

Have you Received Previous Advance?
Yes     No
if Yes how Much? *

Attorney Name *

Attorney Phone Number *
- -
Attorney Fax
- -
Attorney Email

How much money do you need?
Describe the Incident?
Describe the Injuries Sustained?

I have read and agree to the terms of the Authorization to Release Information